ANDREA: Unhappy the land that has no heroes!
GALILEO: No, unhappy the land that needs heroes.
The Life of Galileo
The Well of the Worlds is a "lost worlds" campaign setting for a group of 4-6 players. It draws on a variety of influences, with a short list being: the Castle Perilous series by John DeChancie, El Hazard: The Mysterious World, the John Carter of Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Heroes, Hollow Earth Expedition, Land of the Lost, Neverwhere by Neil Gaimen, and The World of Tiers series by Philip José Farmer.
Initially the setting is the here-and-now, and the world is as we currently know it. Game Masters should have Players keep this in mind when they create characters and should disallow/forbid character histories that try to alter this (for example—mentioning the existence super powers and super heroes, making serious changes to real world events, or introducing technology beyond what exists today). The only requirement is all characters must have a reason to be on a flight to Bermuda (Why Bermuda? Well, where else would you find the Bermuda Triangle?) Characters can have linked backgrounds, and there is nothing wrong with a player using his own life experiences to develop his character's history.
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