Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 30/50 STR 20 15-/19- Lift 1600 kg/25.6 tons; 6d6/10d6 HTH Damage [3] 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 25 CON 30 14- 20 BODY 20 13- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 8 COM -1 11- 27 PD 6 Total: 27 PD (15 rPD) 25 ED 5 Total: 25 ED (15 rED) 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 11 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 2 Total Characteristic Cost: 138 Movement: Running: 7"/14" Leaping: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers & Skills 7 Bio-Technical Augmentation: Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) for up to 30 Active Points of STR 15 Omihalcon Armor Suit: +20 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OIF (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 82 7.62 mm Gatling Gun: Multipower, 165-point reserve, all slots OAF (-1) 7u 1) Burst: RKA 2d6+1, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Autofire (10 shots; +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1); OAF (-1) plus +3 OCV; OAF (-1) plus Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Range Modifier with Burst Fire; OAF (-1) 7u 2) Suppress: RKA 4d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2),Area Of Effect (11" Any Area; +1); OAF (-1), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 37 Omihalcon Armor Suit: Armor (15 PD/15 ED), Covers All Locations But Location "3" [face] (+0), Hardened (+1/4); OIF (-1/2) 4 Huge: Knockback Resistance -2" 2 Takes Big Steps: Running +1" (7" total), END 1 4 Reach: Stretching 1", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Always Direct (-1/4), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4) Perks 1 Fringe Benefit: Member of the Machiner's Platoon Skills 5 +1 with HTH Combat 4 +2 with 7.62 mm Gatling Gun 3 Climbing 13- 2 KS: Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11- 2 KS: Machiner's Platoon History and Customs 11- 0 Language: English (idiomatic; literate) 2 PS: Soldier 11- 3 Tactics 11- 2 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles 4 WF: Small Arms, Blades, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns Total Powers & Skill Cost: 193 Total Cost: 331 200+ Disadvantages 10 Hunted: Machiner's Platoon and MJ-12 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching) 5 Physical Limitation: Large (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 15 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer (Common, Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Highly Overconfident When In His Omihalcon Armor Suit (Common, Strong) 20 Social Limitation: Subject To Orders (Very Frequently, Major) 66 Fatman Bonus 325 Total Disadvantage Points
Background/History: A member of MJ-12's Machiner's Platoon, Fatman wears a full suit of omihalcon armor and carries a massive gatling gun as his main weapon.
Personality/Motivation: Fatman is fairly confident in his suit and gear, and gleefully slaughters the Arcam soldiers until Yu Ominae takes him out of the fight.
Quote: "Ha, ha, ha! As long as I'm wearing this armor, you can't hurt me! Now I'm going to finish killing all of you Arcam chumps!"
Powers/Tactics: Fatman wears a full suit of omihalcon armor and is strong enough to haul around a heavy gatling gun, fling Yu Ominae around like a rag doll, and smash an equipment truck. Due to his armor, he doesn't bother to dodge or find cover, and usually uses the Suppress slot to hose down an area with bullets.
Appearance: Fatman stands a towering 8 to 9 feet in height. As his name suggests, he is fairly hefty. Under his armor, his face looks to be slightly scarred.
Designer's Notes: Fatman's STR was roughly based on his ability to smash a truck with one blow, as well as being able to hurl Yu Ominae about with ease. His base STR of 30 was taken from the fact I gave Victor Shutrov, who is about the same size (maybe smaller), "only" a 28 STR.
(Fatman created by Hiroshi Takashige and Ryoji Minagawa, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
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