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Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 8 STR -2 11- Lift 75.8 kg; 1 ½d6 HTH Damage [1] 26 DEX 32 14- 20 CON 10 13- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 12 EGO 2 11- 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 9 OCV 30 9 DCV 30 3 OMCV 0 4 DMCV 3 6 SPD 40 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 8 PD 6 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) 8 ED 6 Total: 8 ED (0 rED) 6 REC 2 20 END 0 8 BODY -2 22 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 171 Movement: Running: 12m/24m Leaping: 4m/8m Swimming: 4m/8m Cost Powers & Skills 30 Immune To Heat And Flame: +30 ED, Resistant (+½); Only Works Against Fire (-½) Heat Absorption Powers, all slots Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 32 degrees, One-Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 0 degrees (-¼), Unified Power (-¼) 30 1) Absorb Fire And Heat: Absorption 30 BODY (energy, to END Reserve), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1); Limited Phenomena (fire/heat only; -½), Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 32 degrees, One-Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 0 degrees (-¼), Unified Power (-¼) 30 2) Frostbite Effect: Blast 6d6, NND (defense is Life Support [Safe Environment: Intense Cold]; +1); No Range (-½), Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 32 degrees, One-Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 0 degrees (-¼), Unified Power (-¼), END 6 25 3) Turning The Heat Down: Change Environment (create freezing temperatures) (-4 Temperature Level Adjustment, Long-Lasting 20 Minutes), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +¼), Personal Immunity (+¼), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1); No Range (-½), Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 32 degrees, One-Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 0 degrees (-¼), Unified Power (-¼), END 5 25 4) Direct Transfer Of Body Heat: Drain END 3d6; No Range (-½), Must Follow Grab (-½), Unified Power (-¼) plus Aid END 3d6 (standard effect: Aid amount is equal to Drain amount), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; when using Drain; +1); Only to Aid Self (-1), Must Follow Grab (-½), Linked (Drain; -¼), Unified Power (-¼), END 7 28 5) Absorbing Ambient Heat Energy: Drain END 2d6, Area Of Effect (24m Radius; +1); No Range (-½), Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 32 degrees, One-Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 0 degrees (-¼), Unified Power (-¼) plus Aid END Reserve 2d6 (standard effect: Aid amount is equal to Drain amount), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; when using Drain; +1); Only to Aid Self (-1), Linked (Drain; -½), Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 32 degrees, One-Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 0 degrees (-¼), Unified Power (-¼), END 6 30 6) Frozen Stiff: Drain SPD 6d6; No Range (-½), Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 32 degrees, One-Half Effect If Starting Temperature Is Below 0 degrees (-¼), Unified Power (-¼), END 6 20 7) Freeze Flesh: HKA 1d6, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (defense is Power Defense; +1), Does BODY (+1); Only Versus Targets With Normal Organic Body Chemistry (see Champions Powers page 170; -½), No STR Bonus (-½), Unified Power (-¼), END 4 62 Heat Redirection: Multipower, 62-point reserve 5f 1) Released Heat Blast I: Blast 12d6; Reduced By Range (-¼), END 6 5f 2) Released Heat Blast II: Blast 10d6, Armor Piercing (+¼); Reduced By Range (-¼), END 6 4f 3) Released Heat Blast III: Blast 8d6, Area Of Effect (32m Line; +½); No Range (-½), END 6 4f 4) Released Heat Blast IV: Blast 7d6, Area Of Effect (32m Cone; +¾); No Range (-½), END 6 2f 5) Burning Hands: HKA 2d6, Armor Piercing (+¼); No STR Bonus (-½), END 4 1f 6) Kindle Fires: HKA 1 point, Sticky (Only Affects Flammables; +¼), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Uncontrolled (see Champions Powers page 143; +½); No STR Bonus (-½) 5f 7) Concentrated Heat Beam I: RKA 2 ½d6, Penetrating (+½); Reduced By Range (-¼), END 6 5f 8) Concentrated Heat Beam II: RKA 2d6, Penetrating (+½), Constant (+½); Reduced By Range (-¼), END 6 40 Immune To Heat And Flame: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%; Only Works Against Fire (-½) 9 Internal Furnace: LS (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat) 28 Internal Furnace: Endurance Reserve (96 END, 4 REC) Skills 30 +3 with All Attacks 2 Computer Programming 10- 2 High Society 10- 0 Language: English (idiomatic; literate) 1 Language: Spanish (basic conversation) 2 Language: French (fluent conversation) 1 SS: Biochemistry 8- 1 SS: Chemistry 8- 1 SS: Organic Chemistry 8- 1 Streetwise 8- Total Powers & Skill Cost: 429 Total Cost: 600 400+ Matching Complications (75) 10 Distinctive Features: Appears As Sold-Black Mass Via Infraed (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses) 15 Hunted: local superhero team Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15 Negative Reputation: Unstable Sociopath, Frequently (Extreme) 25 Psychological Complication: Anti-Social Personality Disorder (Very Common; Total) 20 Psychological Complication: Vengeful, takes any and all slights (real or imagined) very personally (Very Common; Strong) 25 Susceptibility: Sub-Zero Environments 3d6 END Reserve Drain per Phase (Uncommon) 10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Cold-Based Attacks And Powers (Uncommon) Total Complications Points: 75 Experience Points: 200
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