Val	CHA	Cost	Notes
20	STR	10	400kg; 4d6
10	BODY	0	
1x.5	SIZE	0
3	DEF	1	DEF does not protect passengers (-1/2)
15	DEX	15	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
3	SPD	5	Phases:  4, 8, 12
Total Characteristics Cost:  31

Movement:	Ground:  15"/60"

Abilities and Equipment
23	Hover Mode:  Flight:  15", x4 NCM, Only along level surfaces (-1/2)
-6	Running:  0"
17	Total Abilities and Equipment Cost
48	Total Vehicle Cost

10	Distinctive Features:  Unusual, one-of-a-kind vehicle

Description: This is Nite Owl's hover bike. He has two of these in the Owlship. They look almost exactly like an upright vaccum cleaner.

The Minutemen

Captain Metropolis | Dollar Bill | Hooded Justice | Mothman | Nite Owl I | Silhouette | Silk Spectre I


Comedian, The | Doctor Manhattan | Moloch | Nite Owl II | Ozymandias | Rorschach | Silk Spectre II

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