Val	Char	Cost	Notes
8	Size	40	Length 6.35", Width 3.17", Area 20.16", Mass 25.6 ton, KB -8
50	STR	0	HTH Damage 10d6  END [5]
10	DEX	0	OCV 3 DCV -2
18	BODY	0	
2	DEF	0	
2	SPD	0	Phases:  6, 12
Total Characteristic Cost:  40

Movement:	Ground:  6"/12"
		Flight:  81"/1296"

Abilities & Equipment
	Flight Systems
47	Jet Engines:  Multipower, 105-point reserve, all slots OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (Real 
	Equipment; -¼)
2	1)  Mach Flight:  Flight 45", x16 Noncombat; OIF Bulky (-1), Fuel Dependent (fuel is Very Common; 
	must refuel Once per Hour; -1), Limited Maneuverability Only 1 turn per Phase at Combat speed; 
	only 1 turn per Turn at Noncombat speed (-½), Custom Modifier (Cannot land at this speed; -½), 
	Custom Modifier (Real equipment; -¼)
2	2)  Cruise Flight:  Flight 36"; OIF Bulky (-1), Fuel Dependent (fuel is Very Common; must refuel 
	Once per Hour; -1), Limited Maneuverability Only 1 turn per Phase at Combat speed; only 1 turn per 
	Turn at Noncombat speed (-½), Custom Modifier (Cannot land at this speed; -½), Custom Modifier 
	(Real equipment; -¼)
17	1)  Radar:  Radar (Radio Group), +5 to PER Roll, Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception 
	(360 Degrees), Telescopic (+24 versus Range Modifier):  +24; OIF Bulky (-1), Affected As Sight 
	Group As Well As Radio Group (-½)
7	2)  Terrain Following Radar:  Radar (Radio Group), +5 to PER Roll, Discriminatory; OIF Bulky (-1), 
	Custom Modifier (only used to allow avoidance of obstacles and terrain features; -1), Sense Affected 
	As More Than One Sense [very common Sense] (-½), Custom Modifier (Real equipment; -¼)
5	3)  Forward-Looking Infrared System:  IR Perception (Sight Group)
6	4)  Identify Friend or Foe:  Detect A Single Thing 14- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory; OIF Bulky 
	Fragile (-1 ¼)
	Personnel Systems
4	1)  Basic Aircraft Radios:  Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), 
	Custom Modifier (Real equipment; -¼)
14	2)  Sealed Environment:  LS  (Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained 
6	3)  Ejection Seat:  Telekinesis (26 STR); Only To Throw Target Straight Up (-2), 1 Recoverable 
	Charge (-1 ¼), OIF Bulky (-1), No Range (-½), Affects Whole Object (-¼), [1 rc]
5	4)  Ejection Seats:  1 more Ejection Seat (total of 2)
	Typical Aircraft Loadouts
	1)  Loadout #1:
	Notes:  6 1,000# bombs carried Internally
	2)  Loadout #2:
	Notes:  1 Nuclear weapon carried internally
	3)  Loadout #3:
	Notes:  4 19 shot rocket packs, 2 carried on each inner external pylon

1	Basic Compass:  Bump Of Direction; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼)
2	Recording Equipment:  Eidetic Memory; OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (Real equipment; -¼)

3	Advanced Bombing Computer:  +2 with Ranged Combat; OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (only 
	with bombs and other unguided weapons; -1), Custom Modifier (Real equipment; -¼)
9	Advanced Autopilot:  Combat Piloting 14-
2	Enhanced Flight Controls:  +2 with Combat Piloting; OIF Bulky (-1)
5	Basic Navigation Systems:  Navigation (Air) 14-; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier 
	(Real equipment; -¼)

Total Abilities & Equipment Cost:  137
Total Vehicle Cost:  177

Value Disadvantages
	Quirks and Disadvantages
10	1)  Physical Limitation:  Aircraft Subject To Intense Vibration During Landing (Infrequently, 
	Greatly Impairing)
10	2)  Physical Limitation:  Problems With Landing Gear Design (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
15	3)  Social Limitation:  Manned Aircraft Vs Missiles Debate (Frequently, Major)
15	4)  Social Limitation:  Severe Cost Overruns (Frequently, Major)
15	5)  Social Limitation:  Designed By A Committee Then Passed To Manufacturer (Frequently, Major)
	Maximum Speed
	Notes:  Mach 2.15
	Cruising Speed
	Notes:  Mach 0.95
	Service Ceiling
	Notes:  54,000 feet
	Operational Range
	Notes:  1,150 miles

Total Disadvantage Points:  65
Total Cost:  112/5 = 22

Character sheet by Robert Kevin Walsh

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