Val	Char	Cost	Notes
7	Size	35	Length 5.04", Width 2.52", Area 12.7", Mass 12.8 ton, KB -7
45	STR	0	HTH Damage 9d6  END [4]
10	DEX	0	OCV 5 DCV 1
17	BODY	0	
2	DEF	0	
2	SPD	0	Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
Total Characteristic Cost:  35

Movement:	Ground:		6"/12"
		Flight:		48"/384"
		Swimming:	0"/0"

Abilities & Equipment
	Flight Systems
18	1)  Klimov VK-1F Afterburning Turbojet:  Flight 48", x8 Noncombat; Takeoff/Landing (-1), OIF Bulky (-1), 
	Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), Fuel Dependent (fuel is Very Common; must refuel Once 
	per Hour; -1), Stall Velocity (19"; -¼), Limited Maneuverability Only 2 turns per Phase at Combat 
	speed; only 1 turn per Phase at Noncombat speed (-¼), Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼)
10	2)  +3 SPD; OIF Bulky (-1), Linked (Klimov VK-1F Afterburning Turbojet; -½), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Gear; -¼), Custom Modifier (Aircraft must have power; -¼)
5	3)  +5 DEX; OIF Bulky (-1), Linked (Klimov VK-1F Afterburning Turbojet; -½), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Gear; -¼), Custom Modifier (Aircraft must have power; -¼)
	Tactical Systems
44	1)  AA-1 Alkali Missiles:  RKA 5d6, Increased Maximum Range (2,800"; +¼), Explosion (+½); 4 Charges (-1), 
	Limited Arc Of Fire (60 degrees; Only on same horizontal level; -¾), Concentration (½ DCV; Radar 
	Beam Riding Guidance; -¼), [4]
	Notes:  If missiles carried, add radar option and delete cannons.
43	2)  Nudelman N-37 37mm Cannon:  RKA 4 ½d6, Autofire (2 shots; 8 shots; +¼), +1 Increased STUN 
	Multiplier (+¼), 40 Charges (+¼), Semi-Armor Piercing (+¼); OIF Bulky (-1), Limited Arc Of Fire 
	(0 degrees foward; Only on same horizontal level; -1), Real Weapon (-¼), [40]
41	3)  Nudelman-Rikhter 23mm Cannon:  RKA 4d6, Autofire (2 shots; 6 shots; +¼), +1 Increased STUN 
	Multiplier (+¼), Semi-Armor Piercing (+¼), 80 Charges (+½); OIF Bulky (-1), Limited Arc Of Fire 
	(0 degrees forward; Only on same horizontal level; -1), Real Weapon (-¼), [80]
10	4)  Nudelman-Rikhter 23mm Cannon:  Two more Nudelman-Rikhter 23mm Cannon (total of 3)
	Defensive Systems
3	1)  IFF Transponder and Interrogator:  Detect A Single Thing 14- (Unusual Group); OIF Bulky 
	Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼)
5	2)  ECM Systems:  Radio Group Flash Defense (12 points); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Gear; -¼)
4	3)  ECM Systems:  Power Defense (12 points); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Only Works Against Limited 
	Type Of Attack (electronic warfare attacks; -¼), Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼)
2	4)  Armored Crash Seat:  Armor (4 PD/0 ED); OIF Bulky (-1), Ablative BODY Only (-½), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Gear; -¼)
4	1)  Basic Aircraft Radios:  Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group); OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), 
	Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼), Custom Modifier (Aircraft must have power; -¼)
	Personnel Systems
6	1)  Pressurized Cockpit:  Life Support  (Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low 
	Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 6 Hours (+0); OIF Bulky (-1), 
	Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼), Custom Modifier (Aircraft must have power; -¼), [1 cc]
6	2)  Ejection Seat:  Telekinesis (26 STR); Only To Throw Target Straight Up (-2), 1 Recoverable 
	Charge (-1 ¼), OIF Bulky (-1), No Range (-½), Affects Whole Object (-¼), [1 rc]
2	3)  Cockpit Data Recorders:  Eidetic Memory, 1 Continuing Charge lasting 6 Hours (+0); OIF Bulky 
	Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼)
	Equipment Options
7	1)  Izrmud Air Intercept Radar:  Radar (Radio Group), +2 to PER Roll, Telescopic:  +1, MegaScale 
	(1" = 1 km; +¼); OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (Ranging and Search only, no targeting capability; -1), 
	Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼)
	Notes:  only on MIG-17P, PF, PM Variants

1	Rangefinder:  Absolute Range Sense; OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼)
1	Basic Inertial Navigation System:  Bump Of Direction; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Gear; -¼)

2	Basic Gunsight:  +1 with Ranged Combat; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼)
1	Basic Control Systems:  +1 with Combat Piloting; OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (real gear; -¼), 
	Custom Modifier (Aircraft must have power; -¼)
1	Basic Electronic Diagnostic Systems:  +1 with Electronics; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier (Real Gear; -¼)
1	Basic Mechanical Diagnostic Systems:  +1 with Mechanics; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Gear; -¼)
6	Navigation Computer:  Navigation (Air, Land, Marine) 14-; OIF Bulky Fragile (-1 ¼), Custom Modifier 
	(Real Equipment; -¼)
	Autopilot:  TF:  Combat Aircraft ; OIF Bulky (-1), Custom Modifier (real gear; -¼); OIF Bulky (-1), 
	Custom Modifier (real gear; -¼)
	Notes:  Autopilot

Total Abilities & Equipment Cost:  223
Total Vehicle Cost:  258

Value Disadvantages
	Limitations and Disadvantages
25	1)  Distinctive Features:  Warplane (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction [fear])
	Available Hardpoints
	Date Entered Service
	Notes:  1950
	Maximum Combat Radius in Miles
	Notes:  670
	Maximum Payload
	Notes:  550 kg
	Service Ceiling in Feet
	Notes:  54,550
	Top Speed in MPH
	Notes:  711
	Typical Weapons Loadouts
	1)  Weapons Loadut 
	Notes:  Up to 550 kg of stores on 2 external hardpoints

Total Disadvantage Points:  25
Total Cost:  233/5 = 47

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