Val	CHA	Cost	Notes
5	Size	25	Length 6.35m, Width 3.17m, Height 3.17m, Volume 64m^3, Mass 3.2 ton, OCV +3, KB -5
32	STR	-3	HTH Damage 6d6  END [3]
15	DEX	10

2	PD	0	2 PD (2 rPD)
2	ED	0	2 ED (2 rED)
3	SPD	10	Phases:  4, 8, 12
5	OCV	10
5	DCV	10

15	BODY	0
Total Characteristic Cost:  50

Movement:	Ground:		12m/24m
		Flight:		28m/224m
		Leaping:	0m
		Swimming:	0m

Cost	Abilities and Equipment
	Propulsion Systems
26	1)  Propeller-Driven Plane:  Flight 28m, x8 Noncombat; Takeoff/Landing (-1), Stall Velocity (16m; -¼), 
	Side Effects (KA 1d6 to anyone who comes into contact with the propeller, automatically occurs when 
	Flight is in use, only affects environment in front of vehicle; -¼), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge 
	lasting 6 Hours (easily-obtained fuel; -0), [1 cc]
-2	2)  Only Flies:  Leaping -4m"
-2	3)  Only Flies:  Swimming -4m"

	Operations Systems
4	1)  Radio:  Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group); OAF Bulky (-1 ½), Affected As Hearing 
	Group As Well As Radio Group (-¼)

	Personnel Systems
14	1)  Sealed Environment:  LS  (Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained 

Total Abilities & Equipment Cost:  29
Total Vehicle Cost:  91

Value Complications
Total Complication Points:  0
Total Cost:  91/5 = 18

Description: his rather unusual looking aircraft is best known for appearing in the film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. It’s an Australian Transavia PL-12 Airtruk, and was often used for crop-dusting, flying doctor services, and the like. About 120 were made (maybe more) and one is in the Australian Power Museum in Sydney.

Transavia PL-12 Airtruk's Hero Designer File

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