(The Little Old Basket-case On Wheels)

David Lo Pan
Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
0	STR	-10	9-	Lift 25 kg; 0d6 HTH Damage [1]
8	DEX	-6	11-	OCV:  3/DCV:  3
8	CON	-4	11-
10	BODY	0	11-
20	INT	10	13-	PER Roll 13-
23	EGO	26	14-	ECV:  8
8	PRE	-2	11-	PRE Attack:  1 1/2d6
8	COM	-1	11-

1	PD	1		Total:  1 PD (0 rPD)
1	ED	-1		Total:  1 ED (0 rED)
1	SPD	0		Phases:  7
2	REC	0
16	END	0
14	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  13

Movement:	Running:	3"
		Swimming:	0"

Cost	Powers & Skills
-12	Lame:  Running -6"
4	Motorized Wheelchair:  Running +3" (9" total), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OIF Bulky 
	(wheelchair; -1), No Noncombat Movement (-1/4)
-2	Lame:  Swimming -2"
5	Immortal Body:  LS  (Longevity: Immortal)

80	The Wing Cong Exchange:  Base (200 points)
15	Follower:   Ogre (1x 75 point base)
10	Follower:  Guardian (1 x 50 point base)
90	Followers:  The Three Storms (3 x 200 point base)
35	Followers: The Wing Cong (60 x 25 point base)
10	Money:  Wealthy
3	Reputation:  David Lo Pan, godfather of Chinatown (San Francisco's Chinatown) 14-, +3/+3d6

7	Bureaucratics 13-
3	CK: Chinatown 13-
3	CK: San Francisco 13-
4	Language:  Cantonese (idiomatic; literate)
4	Language:  English (idiomatic; literate)
0	Language:  Mandarin (idiomatic; literate)
19	Power:  Sorcery 21-
3	PS: Business Management 13-
3	Tactics 13-
0	TF:  Wheelchair
3	Scholar
2	1)  KS: Chinese Alchemy 13-
2	2)  KS: Chinese Culture And Civilization 13-
2	3)  KS: Chinese History 13-
2	4)  KS: Chinese Legends And Lore 13-
2	5)  KS: Chinese Philosophy 13-
2	6)  KS: Demons And Other Mystical Creatures 13-
2	7)  KS: Ritual Sorcery 13-
2	8)  KS: Sorcery 13-
2	9)  KS: Who's Who In The Chinatown Underworld 13-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  305
Total Cost:  318

75+	Disadvantages
10	Age:  60+
15	Distinctive Features:  Very, Very Old (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By 
	Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Hunted:  Egg Shen 11- (Less Pow, Harshly Punish)
0	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Physical Limitation:  Aged And Crippled Body (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Cold, Cruel And A Touch Sadistic (Common, Strong)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Megalomania (wants to go on to rule the 
	world from beyond the grave) (Very Common, Strong)
15	Reputation:  David Lo Pan, godfather of Chinatown, 11- (Extreme)
10	Social Limitation:  Public ID (Owner of the Wing Kong Exchange) (Frequently, Minor)
133	Experience
318	Total Disadvantage Points

David Lo Pan's Hero Designer File

Big Trouble in Little China Introduction | David Lo Pan | Egg Shen | Gracie Law | Jack Burton | Wang Chi | Lightning | Rain | Thunder | Guardian | Ogre | Generic Chang Sing | Generic Wing Cong

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