Nepapede Harpagabdominus
"Grappling-Hook-Abdomen Scorpion-Feet"

Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
-10	STR	-20	7-	Lift 6.3 kg; -2d6 HTH Damage [1]
10	DEX	0	11-	OCV:  3/DCV:  3
5	CON	-10	10-
4	BODY	-12	10-
5	INT	-5	10-	PER Roll 10-
5	EGO	-10	10-	ECV:  2
10	PRE	0	11-	PRE Attack:  2d6
2	COM	-4	9-

3	PD	3		Total:  3 PD (1 rPD)
2	ED	1		Total:  2 ED (1 rED)
2	SPD	0		Phases:  6, 12
2	REC	2
10	END	0
7	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  -55

Movement:	Running:	2"/4"
		Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers & Skills
15	Tail Prongs:  HKA 1/2d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), END 1
38	Strong Venom:  Drain CON 3d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Delayed Return Rate (5 Points per Hour; +1), 
	NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity) (Standard; +1); Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Turn 
	after victim is bitten, -1 1/4), 4 Charges (-1), Gradual Effect ((3 Minutes; 1d6/Minute; -3/4), 
	HKA Must Do Body (-1/2), Linked (RKA; -1/2) plus RKA 2d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4), NND 
	(defense is appropriate LS: Immunity) (Standard; +1), Does BODY (+1); Extra Time (onset time 
	begins 1 Turn after victim is bitten, -1 1/4), 4 Charges (-1), Gradual Effect (2 Minutes; 1d6/
	1 minutes; -3/4), No Range (-1/2), HKA Must Do Body (-1/2)	[4]
1	Armored Shell:  Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED)
-8	Short Legs:  Running -4" (2" total)
10	Multi-Legged:  Clinging (normal STR)
5	Multi-Legged:  Extra Limbs  (50), Inherent (+1/4); Limited Manipulation (-1/4)

4	+2 with Tail Prongs
10	Hard To Hit:  +2 with DCV

7	Climbing 13-
5	Hard To Perceive:  Concealment 12-; Self Only (-1/2)
7	Hard To Perceive:  Stealth 13-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  94
Total Cost:  39

75+	Disadvantages
20	Physical Limitation:  Instinctive Intelligence (All the Time, Greatly Impairing)
5	Physical Limitation:  Small (average 1 m long; +3" KB) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
15	Physical Limitation:  Very Limited Manipulation (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)

Total Disadvantage Points:  39

Ecology: Scorpio-pedes are the most common and numerous form of neopede (new centipede) found on Skull Island. Algae eaters, they can be found where ever there's sufficient water to support large growths of algae and water weeds. Scorpio-pedes start life as free-swimming predatory larvae, eventually molting into the amphibious multi-legged crawling form.

Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations. Scorpio-pedes are notably territorial, and will quickly assume a defensive posture (tail raised) if they detect an intruder into their grazing area.

Powers/Tactics: As algae eaters, Scorpio-pedes don't have claws or teeth large enough to use as defensive weapons. Instead, they have large hollow spines on the tip of their tails. Capable of penetrating even thick dinosaur hides, these prongs are used to inject a fast-acting poison. While this poison will only render a large dinosaur mildly sick, it will quickly kill most birds, small reptiles, and arboreal mammals.

Appearance: A Scorpio-pede appears centipedes with two large scraping legs near the head, five pairs of walking legs, and a flattened tail equipped with two sharp prongs. Coloration is a rusty reddish-brown.

Designer's Notes: The Scorpio-pede is based off of the Scorpion character sheet found in the HERO System Bestiary, and scaled up to the right size. It didn't appear in King Kong.

Scorpio-pede Hero Designer File

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