Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
1	STR	-9	9-	Lift 28.7 kg; 0d6 HTH Damage
15	DEX	10	12-
10	CON	0	11-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 11-
5	EGO	-5	10-
10	PRE	0	11-	PRE Attack:  2d6

5	OCV	10
9	DCV	30
2	OMCV	-3
2	DMCV	-3
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12

2	PD	0		Total:  2 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total:  2 ED (0 rED)
4	REC	0
20	END	0
3	BODY	-7
10	STUN	-5		Total Characteristics Cost:  24

Movement:	Running:	12m/24m 
		Leaping:	3m
		Swimming:	0m
		Tunneling:	1m/1m

Cost	Powers & Skills
15	Bite:  HKA 1/2d6, Constant (+1/2), END 1
7	Resilient:  LS  (Immunity: All terrestrial poisons; Safe in High Radiation)
-4	Short Legs:  Running -4m
1	Short Legs:  Leaping +3m (3m forward, 1 ½m upward); No Noncombat Movement (-¼), END 1
-2	Can't Swim:  Swimming -4m
1	Burrowing:  Tunneling 1m through 1 PD material; Limited Medium Very Limited (loose soil and 
	sand; -1), No Noncombat Movement (-¼), END 1
-35	Blind:  has no Sight Sense Group
32	"Sees" Without Eyes:  Spatial Awareness (Hearing Group)

8	Always Aims For The Head:  +8 versus Hit Location penalties with Bite

6	Concealment 14-; Self Only (-½)
7	Stealth 14-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  31
Total Cost:  55

175+	Matching Complications (50)
20	Physical Complication:  Animal Intelligence (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
15	Physical Complication:  Diminutive (typically no larger than about .5m; +12m KB) (Frequently; 
	Slightly Impairing)
20	Physical Complication:  Very Limited Manipulation (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
40	Susceptibility:  water 3d6 damage per Segment (Very Common)

Total Complication Points:  50
Experience Points:  0

Ecology:Known variously as cranial-conjugal parasites, head-humpers, and parasitics, headcrabs are a strange form of alien life. They first appeared following the Black Mesa Incident and are known found the world over. Many infestations of headcrabs are due to the Combine using them as a terror weapon. Areas of dissidents and malcontents are hit with barrages from mortars firing “Headcrab Shells.” These artillery shells carry a payload of 4-6 headcrabs and a sufficiently large-scale shelling can destroy entire towns.

Headcrabs can be found almost anywhere, but tend to be found in ruined urban areas. They prey on humans, although one supposes they could attack just about any humanoid. When they locate their prey, a headcrab will leap for the target’s head. If successful, they’ll latch on with their legs, then burrow in to the skull with their beak. Once they’ve gained access to the brain, the headcrab will take control of their victim’s nervous system, turning the unfortunate into a Headcrab Zombie.

Personality/Motivation: Normal animal motivations.

Powers/Tactics: Headcrabs tend to scuttle around aimlessly. When they encounter prey they’ll make a chirping cry, then leap to attack. They aim for the head and if they land will attack with their bite. Once they’ve taken control of their target, they’ll use the zombie’s greater mobility to move around, presumably in order to spread into new area.

Appearance:Headcrabs are oval creatures, roughly the size of a pumpkin. They have four short legs, a series of hooked appendages on the front of the body, and large, lipless mouth on the underbelly. Inside this mouth is the beak. Headcrabs are usually a pale tan color.

Designer's Notes: The Headcrab is one of the alien creatures (and probably the most iconic) found in Valve Software’s Half Life and Half Life 2. Much of the information here was taken from direct game play, as well as the Combine OverWiki. The stats given here are a mix of conjecture, game play descriptions, and an attempt to present in-game concepts in a manner consistent with the HERO System.

(Headcrab created by Valve Software, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

Headcrab Hero Designer File

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