Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
30	STR	20	15-	Lift 1600 kg; 6d6 HTH Damage [3]
25	DEX	30	14-
30	CON	20	15-
13	INT	3	12-	PER Roll 12-
10	EGO	0	11-
35	PRE	15	16-	PRE Attack:  7d6

10	OCV	35	
10	DCV	35	
3	OMCV	0	
5	DMCV	6	
6	SPD	40		Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

26	PD	18		Total:  26 PD (6 rPD)
26	ED	18		Total:  26 ED (6 rED)
20	REC	16
60	END	8
20	BODY	10
60	STUN	20		Total Characteristics Cost: 297

Movement:	Running:  16m/32m 
		Leaping:  6m/12m

Cost	Powers & Skills
3	Snikt!:  +10 PRE (Unsheathing Claws); Only to Intimidate (-2), Nonpersistent (-¼)	
21	Adamantium Claws:  Multipower, 31-point reserve, all slots Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼), IIF 
	Unbreakable (Retractable; -¼)	
2f	1)  Piercing Stab:  HKA 1d6+1 (2 ½d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (x2; +½); Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼), 
	IIF Unbreakable (Retractable; -¼), END 3
2f	2)  Heavy Slash:  HKA 1 ½d6 (3d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+¼); Reduced Penetration (-¼), Unified 
	Power (Adamantium; -¼), IIF Unbreakable (Retractable; -¼), END 3
2f	3)  Quick Slash:  HKA 2d6 (4d6 w/STR); Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼), IIF Unbreakable (Retractable; -¼), END 3
2f	4)  Retracted Punch:  HA +6d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-¼), Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼), IIF 
	Unbreakable (Retractable; -¼), END 3
	Adamantium Skeleton, all slots Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼)	
8	1)  Enhanced Climbing:  +4 with Climbing; Costs Endurance (-½), Gestures (-¼), Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼) 
	plus Clinging (40 STR); Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-½), Perceivable (-½), 
	Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Must be able to penetrate material with claws (-¼), Costs Endurance 
	(Only Costs END to Activate; -¼), Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼), END 2
7	2)  Impact Resistance I:  Resistant Protection (6 PD), Hardened (x2; +½); Only Works Against Blunt 
	Trauma (-½), Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼)	0
10	3)  Impact Resistance II:  +18 PD; Only Works Against Blunt Trauma (-½), Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼)	
8	4)  Impact Resistance III:  Knockback Resistance -10m; Unified Power (Adamantium; -¼)
8	Defensive Maneuvers:  +4 DCV; Only to Offset DCV Penalties From Surprise or Multiple Attackers (-1 ½)	
72	Mutant Physiology:  Regeneration (3 BODY per Turn), All Physical Characteristics (+½)
13	Mutant Physiology II:  Regeneration (2 BODY per Day), Can Heal Limbs
7	Mutant Physiology III:  LS  (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn; Longevity: 200 Years; Safe in 
	High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum)
5	Memory Loss:  Mental Defense (5 points total)
5	Mutant Resistance I:  Resistant Protection (6 ED); Only Works Against Uncommon attack (Energy 
	Attacks that Don't Cause Physical Trauma; -¾)
12	X-Men Uniform:  Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED); OIF (-½)
13	X-Men Communicator:  HRRP (Radio Group); Private Channels Only (-½), IIF (-¼) plus +6 with 
	Cryptography; Encrypted Transmission (-1)

10	X-Men:  Contact:  Charles Xavier (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has 
	very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-

3	Strong Willed:  Resistance (+3 to roll)

24	Fearsome Fighter:  +3 with HTH Combat
6	Resolute:  +3 with EGO Roll

5	AK: Pacific Northwest 14-
3	Breakfall 14-
3	Climbing 14-
3	Combat Driving 14-
0	Language:  English (idiomatic)
7	Mechanics 14-
2	PS: Logger 11-
3	Riding (Motorcycles) 14-
7	Stealth 16-
7	Survival 14-
3	Tactics 12-
3	Teamwork 14-
7	Tracking 14-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  303
Total Cost:  600

400+	Matching Complications
15	Enraged:  Rogue or Jean Grey in Trouble (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 14-
15	Enraged:  When Losing a Fight (Common), go 11-, recover 14-
5	Hunted:  Mutant Registration Act Infrequently (Less Pow; NCI; Mildly Punish)
15	Hunted:  X-Men Rogues Gallery Infrequently (As Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)
5	Negative Reputation:  Dangerous Mutant, Infrequently (Extreme;  Mutant Haters Only)
5	Physical Complication:  Adamantium/Ferrous Skeleton (Infrequently; Barely Impairing)
5	Physical Complication:  Memory Loss (Infrequently; Barely Impairing)
10	Rivalry:  Romantic (with Cyclops for Jean Grey; Rival is As Powerful; Rival is a Player Character; 
	Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
5	Social Complication:  Secret ID: James Howlett  Infrequently, Minor
200	Experience Points

Total Complications Points:  450

Background/History: James Howlett's past is mostly unknown, but during World War II he participated in military airdrops with Captain America. Decades later, he was abducted and experimented upon by a covert government unit, who bonded unbreakable adamantium to his skeleton and implanted three claws in each arm. Initially designated Weapon X (later the name of the entire unit), Howlett was renamed both "Logan" and "Wolverine." Weapon X held him for at least a decade. Supposedly programmed to kill any human he saw, he proved his humanity was intact by saving Nick Fury's life in the Middle East. He grew to hate his captors and also his fellow prisoner, Sabretooth.

"You ain't done makin' mistakes, bub, not be a long shot."
"Like Ben Franklin said, bub... only two things certain in life... an' this ain't taxes."
"Ninety percent of accidents happen at home, bub"

Wolverine's Hero Designer File

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